prop 215 and renters rights?

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New Member
Are there any cases supporting the prescription useage of marijuana and avoiding an eviction? I recieved a 3 day quit notice for this topic and have filed and answere to unlawful detainer based on the fact of having a legal presription in the state of Calif. I would appreciate any citatons upholding this right.
Are you being evicted because you have marijuana on the property?

Understand this, an eviction requires an order of the court. If the court signs off on the kick out order, then the landlord is pretty secure.

Also, understand that the property owner might lose his property if he knowingly permits the use or sale of illegal substances on the property, and the feds do NOT recognize Prop 215 ... as a matter of fact, the DEA is moving to seize property used by cannabis clubs. So, if I were a landowner, I would not want a marijuana user there, either.

- Carl
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