Property Damage

Peter C.

New Member
I work for an airline where we are require to have our own tools at work. Most if not almost everyone has a toolbox. I have one.

When I've come in after my days off, I will find a new scratch from someone else using box as their work station or purposefully being malicious.

When other employee purposefully do damage to your box or leave items that could damage the top over time, is it the responsibility of the employers to compensate me for the damages cause by their other employees?
When other employee purposefully do damage to your box or leave items that could damage the top over time, is it the responsibility of the employers to compensate me for the damages cause by their other employees?

An employer is not responsible for the willful, wanton, malicious, or criminal acts of their employees.

If you wish to protect your property when it is not under your supervision, you might consider taking it with you or locking it away in a secure location.
Even though we are required to have own own tool and they are in a large roll around toolbix which I cannot take home. Any they do not provide a play ti lock the box up when I'm not here.

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