Property Damages - Small Claims CA

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my roomie called my gf a slut, and we got into a verbal fight. however, the next morning i woke up to see the words "**** you" keyed into my vehicle. in a fit of rage, i broke his personal properties. at the time, i was bleeding, so i left splotches of blood on his items. i then proceeded to move all my things out. he is now suing me for the damages.

does he have a case that he can win? would small claims really check to see if its my blood?
The court wouldn't, but if the plaintiff wanted to pay for the DNA typing or blood testing, he could. But, I doubt you did enough damage to justify the expense of a DNA test.

- Carl
TO CdwJava

Thanks for the reply Carl.

Well, its $3000 worth of damages. My other question is his cost for the damages are very high prices. Since they are personal items, any idea on how the court well determine the prices??? He will not not have proof of purchase if that matters.

Thanks for help again.

PS I learned my lesson. Just walk away. So please dont think your helping out a bad guy.
He can get quotes for prices of the items at retail or re-sale outlets to help determine their current value. What he presents to the court will be what the court will rule on. If he alleges something outrageous with no foundation to back up the price claim, the court will likely NOT accept it.

One can rarely just go into court and say, 'It was worth $2000" and expect that to remain without SOME kind of validation.

- Carl
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