Property line soon to be dispute help!


New Member
I hired someone to do some dozering on my property he dozed a little of what I think could possibly be their property and completely tore a old fence. He came out and said it's no big deal, I told him I would put fence back up and plant grass back, he seem satisfied and went about his day. Both are old deeds. Honestly I believe I owned that but I decide to stop excavation and contact some surveyors. My question is whether I own it or what he owns. We don't live in a perfect world let's say he get mad. What happens if he owns even more on mine than what we both thought and I've excavated on the property? Can he sue am I going to be out a lot of money? Judge make me fix it back the way it was? What happens in this case?
What happens if he owns even more on mine than what we both thought and I've excavated on the property? Can he sue am I going to be out a lot of money? Judge make me fix it back the way it was? What happens in this case?

Start by finding out exactly where your lot lines are by getting a surveyor to determine where the boundaries of your property are. Until you have that done, you're not going to know how much of a big deal it may be. There are lots of possible outcomes for this, and I don't have all the information needed to make a good guess at what you're going to face. Take it one step at a time and see where things go.
What happens if he owns even more on mine than what we both thought and I've excavated on the property? Can he sue am I going to be out a lot of money? Judge make me fix it back the way it was? What happens in this case?

You're getting way ahead of yourself. Get a survey done and have your property lines marked with stakes, preferably stakes that can't be easily removed.
I hired someone to do some dozering on my property he dozed a little of what I think could possibly be their property and completely tore a old fence. He came out and said it's no big deal

I assume "he" refers to the "someone" you hired and that "their" refers to one or more neighbors. Correct? Or is the "someone" you hired also the neighbor?

Is/was the fence on your property or your neighbors' property? If the latter, do your neighbors agree that "it's no big deal"? Do you agree?

I told him I would put fence back up and plant grass back, he seem satisfied and went about his day.

Are we still talking about the "someone" you hired?

Both are old deeds.

That's quite a non sequitur. I assume you're talking about the deeds by which you acquired your property and your neighbors acquired their property. Correct? If so, why do you think the ages of the deeds matters in the slightest?

My question is whether I own it or what he owns.

Does "it" refer to the fence?

What happens if he owns even more on mine than what we both thought and I've excavated on the property? Can he sue am I going to be out a lot of money? Judge make me fix it back the way it was? What happens in this case?

I'm not sure I fully follow the question. However, if a guy you hired to do work on your property damaged your neighbor's property, then the guy you hired is subject to being sued and held liable for the damages. Depending on the details of you hiring the guy, you may also have liability. That being the case, you should put your homeowner's insurance carrier on notice of a potential claim ASAP.

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