Property Manager charged to re-clean

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New Member
We recently came to the end of our lease on Aug. 31 and had the carpets professionally cleaned as stated in the lease. Our property manager recommended a carpet company who quoted us at under $200. We decided to go with a different company who did the job for $160 and guaranteed their work. I called the real estate company to schedule a walk through appointment but I could never get through and when I did they would tell me they were too busy and to just leave our house keys on the kitchen counter and they would call us when they could find the time to inspect the house. We never got a call from them.

When we received our deposit back on Sept. 25 we found that they deducted $320.04 to have the carpets cleaned. When I called and asked why they would need to re-clean the carpets after I had them done I was told the carpets were so filthy that if the owner of the house had seen them he would have the carpets replaced in the whole house.

I have contacted our carpet company and they couldn't believe our property manager's statements because the carpets were very white, and clean. They called our property manager and gave them their testimony and stated if there was a problem with their service they would have corrected it for free. When I tried asking the property manager she got very nasty and rude over the phone and got very defensive about how she doesn't get any money from this so she's not making things up. I have also contacted the actual homeowner who was not aware of any of this. The homeowner has been to the house while we were living there and he said the carpets did not appear to be damaged or soiled when he saw them.

The homeowner said he would contact the property manager to find out what is going on, and thinks the property manager is being unfair also. I was not even called to come to the inspection like they said they would. When I asked the property manager if she had pictures of these awful stains in the carpets she laughed and said "No, I don't have pictures!" as if it were a ridiculous question. I have many pictures not of the carpets specifically but the carpets can be seen clearly in the background and they are in good condition. The company she used is the same company that quoted me under $200 yet they charged over $300 this time after the carpets had already been cleaned.

We were never late with any payments, never caused problems, or broke any rules in the lease. We should have been called by them to schedule an inspection walk through like they said and since they didn't they should have called us if they found any problems or at least taken pictures.

I have been told to send a letter of demand by certified mail, but what can I do if she brushes the letter off and sticks to "her word" (as she said) that we left the carpets a mess?
Your solution is in small claims, and it sounds as if you have a solid argument to bring.
If the manager fails to provide a full refund then file small claims against her for the amount she withheld. Be prepared to provide your receipt from having the carpet cleaned and bring your photos. If you can get someone from the carpet company to show up with you, or to at least write a statement as to the level of their service and the condition of the carpet. Check with your court for the proper procedure to provide such a written statement.

This landlord is toast if it goes to court. Stand your ground.
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