Property Manager has instituted a new time-saving service: Valet Waste

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New Member
I need to know if I will need a lawyer in the future. I refuse to comply with the new service of: door-to-door trash pickup 5 nights per week. Free for now and $30 once a new lease is signed. Tenants are not allowed to opt-out; however, again, I will not comply. I take my trash out once a week (trash bags are very expensive) There is no room in my apartment for another trash can (I did not ask for it), and I already pay rent, plus utilities which includes water, trash, and sewage. Do I have to comply? Will they have a legal right to convict me if I don't. Those are my concerns. I would respect management if they wanted to raise the rent vs using this ruse to add an additional charge to tenants rent. Can someone give me some advice.
They could just not renew your lease when the time comes if you refuse to comply.
I need to know if I will need a lawyer in the future. I refuse to comply with the new service of: door-to-door trash pickup 5 nights per week. Free for now and $30 once a new lease is signed. Tenants are not allowed to opt-out; however, again, I will not comply. I take my trash out once a week (trash bags are very expensive) There is no room in my apartment for another trash can (I did not ask for it), and I already pay rent, plus utilities which includes water, trash, and sewage. Do I have to comply? Will they have a legal right to convict me if I don't. Those are my concerns. I would respect management if they wanted to raise the rent vs using this ruse to add an additional charge to tenants rent. Can someone give me some advice.

You are covered by your current lease until it expires.

You can simply send the management a letter telling them that under the terms of your new lease, you refuse the door to door trash service.

Now, here is where it gets tough.

You are adamantly opposed to the service in your next lease and do not wish to pay the fee.

That is your right.

However, you must understand, that if you maintain that position; your lease will not be renewed.

A lawyer can't help you with that decision.

The management has the right to add conditions to the lease.

If you refuse to accept those conditions and management will not budge there is NO lease.

So, when you send the letter you might as well as indicate that you'll not be renewing your lease.

That way you can start looking for a new living situation today.


Because, if you continue to maintain your position, your lease won't be renewed.
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Thank you kindly. I will start looking for new residence. (which I had been doing for sometime now), but was procrastinating.
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