Business Bankruptcy Pros and Cons of Bankruptcy

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I am just starting my first forum. Some people opt for bankruptcy for the reason that the process is quickly over. Some don't opt for it because it takes away all our assets from us. Someone suggest me when actually this process is applicable.
The pros and cons of Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy has got some pros and cons. You need to be informed that it will affect your future credit, your relationships and your self-image. On the other hand, it take away your worries, help to regain the quality of life and possibly, helps to keep you from losing your home, car and other essentials.
The bankruptcy pros and cons should be weighed thoroughly as it may not solve all your debt and credit problems. The consequences depend upon the type of bankruptcy one files for.
Before filing bankruptcy cases, debtors should optimized for credit counseling in order to have an idea about the basics of bankruptcy. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer is the best person to consult and seek advice regarding the payment rules and regulations under the bankruptcy types.
Thanks for the information. While you guys are obviously reading up on bankruptcy more before posting, I'm very sorry but I cannot allow you and your friends who don't live anywhere near the USA to continue posting here! ;)
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