Protected under Act 0f 1970, as amended

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New Member
I am currently on Section8 rental assistance and a few months back my landlord had recieved a federally funded grant of 10,000.00 to repair and dispose of the lead based paint, Now after the work has been done the landlord is putting the house up for sale, I had been told that I was protected under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Polices Act of 1970, as amended, can someone please tell me exactly what that means and can the landlord really just turn around and sell the home after he had just recieved a federally funded grant, any information anyone could give me would be great, Thank you
You are talking about two different things: (1) whether the landlord can legally sell the home and pocket the money after receiving a federal grant to improve the land, and (2) whether he or any other landlord can remove you from the land. I'm guessing that the law protects you from being evicted or your lease being canceled.

Perhapss this URL may help:

Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Polices Act of 1970
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