I am clutching at straws here and hope someone could answer my questions. Basically my wifes grandfather has a large block of land that is my wifes and her siblings inheritance. He has said we can build on the land now but he doesnt want to change the title to protect the interests of the other siblings until he is dead.
What I would like to know is is it possible for me to protect my financial investment in that I am paying for a new home to be built on the land even though the land title will remain in his name?
Further to this should a divorce occur my wifes family have said they would pay me out for half of the value of the home and land. Can this be legitamised with a contract/caveat or something?
Currently I am paying a lawyer $300 an hour and he has changed his position on this so its getting quite annoying.
Thanks in advance
What I would like to know is is it possible for me to protect my financial investment in that I am paying for a new home to be built on the land even though the land title will remain in his name?
Further to this should a divorce occur my wifes family have said they would pay me out for half of the value of the home and land. Can this be legitamised with a contract/caveat or something?
Currently I am paying a lawyer $300 an hour and he has changed his position on this so its getting quite annoying.
Thanks in advance