Protecting rights of brother overseas

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New Member
My brother has been in Iraq since the middle of August this year. He was engaged to and living with a woman here when he left. They have only been together about 8 months. He has decided that he does not want to continue the relationship. Shaun, my brother, sent me an email with a list of things that he would like to have returned to him. Last night my parents and myself went over to his house with the list of property he says was his when they got together and asked for his possessions. His fiancee or ex fiancee asked us to wait at the door and she would bring his things out so we could put them in storage. My father has power of attorney for Shaun for the length of his deployment. His fiancee called the police and when they showed up they told us that it was a civil matter and that there was nothing that they could do for us. I dont understand this as the house is leased only in Shaun's name and we have proof that the rent has been taken out of his bank account. The fiancee is planning to move we just wanted to get Shaun's personal things out of the house so that they did not disappear with her. The police officer mentioned filing an injunction although he did not think it would be that helpful. I was wondering if there was anything we could do not only to get Shaun's possessions back but to get the fiancee off of the property. Please help me!!
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