Protection from Foreclosure

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Florida

My mother and stepfather have been married for almost 21 years. About 3 years ago he had an affair and decided to no longer reside in the house. During that time he has paid the mortgage on the house because of an agreement they had as a result of additional equity that was taken out on the mortgage. The house has been on the market for quite some time with little response. Recently he has decided he will no longer pay the mortgage and allow the house to go into foreclose. I am seeking legal consult on the options my mother may have for divorce and removing her name off of the home to avoid being penalized for the foreclosure. Is there enough time for divorce proceedings to take place so she may avoid being involved in the foreclosure? What options if any does she have for any alimony settlements? The have one child together but he is 20 years old. And of course how much would legal representation be in a case like this?
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