Psychiatry malpractice?

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I posted in the negligence forum, but I'm not sure that's where to post. I had a doctor just destroy my life off the worse job diagnosing a problem possibly. One appointment... was just a mess. It took my 25-35 years away. If I showed a judge how I was diagnosed, I'd win that one. Then my real problem, a personality disorder, was destroyed by the pills. I can prove my original diagnosis was awful so easily. My file spells it out. I got a movement disorder, my memory is gone, and i lost years off my life to the sedentary lifestyle brought on. It took to get the pills changed that I was on for 10 years for me to wake up. For my personality disorder to quit being in command. For me to not be on a zombie dose of Prozac I should have never been on. They should have noticed. Every judge would agree. 12 years of me sitting inside staring at the wall, and never reported any of the problems associated with the illness except for minor things that came from the personality disorder. How do I go about this? Do I need tens of thousands of dollars? My case is nuts. Never heard of anything like it. I guarantee.
I posted in the negligence forum, but I'm not sure that's where to post. I had a doctor just destroy my life off the worse job diagnosing a problem possibly. One appointment... was just a mess. It took my 25-35 years away. If I showed a judge how I was diagnosed, I'd win that one. Then my real problem, a personality disorder, was destroyed by the pills. I can prove my original diagnosis was awful so easily. My file spells it out. I got a movement disorder, my memory is gone, and i lost years off my life to the sedentary lifestyle brought on. It took to get the pills changed that I was on for 10 years for me to wake up. For my personality disorder to quit being in command. For me to not be on a zombie dose of Prozac I should have never been on. They should have noticed. Every judge would agree. 12 years of me sitting inside staring at the wall, and never reported any of the problems associated with the illness except for minor things that came from the personality disorder. How do I go about this? Do I need tens of thousands of dollars? My case is nuts. Never heard of anything like it. I guarantee.
Your issues is beyond the scope of an advice site. You need to take your evidence to a Med-Mal Attorney to see if you have a case.

As an aside: This site is for United States Law.
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