psycho coworker (long sorry)

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Here's the history and all of us in the office are at least 40 yrs old and have been in the workforce for 20+ yrs with no problems prior to this person. This is a large company (20000+ employees).
"A" got hired 3 yrs ago as word processor. About 2 yrs ago there was a temp in the office sitting in the cube next to A. Temp was doing a good job, friendly, professional etc. A decided she didn't like temp so she complained (crying) to Manager that temp was effecting her work by saying "good morning" to her every day and that she couldn't take it anymore. Temp got let go that afternoon. BTW - I sit on the other side of A and never saw/heard anything out of the ordinary.
Fast forward to about 6 months ago. "B" was having harrassment problems with one of the attorneys near her. (And yes -he is a problem). So she switched desks with the now full time person in temp's cube. Well - within 2 weeks of B moving in A complained to manager about B's radio being too loud and not being able to concentrate. (I have had a radio off/on the entire time I've been here and when I moved over next to A 2 1/2 yrs ago I specifically asked A if it bothered her and answer was no problem.) B's radio is not loud. No one can hear it but B - but A has decided she doesn't like B. Manager called in A & B to office to discuss and told them they had to work it out between themselves but that B should get earphones. B felt that earphones can cause nerve damage so she wasn't going to buy them since no one else complained it was A's problem. (One afternoon A asked me to turn down my radio and I refused and told her she couldn't hear it in her cube - I had tried to one day when she wasn't there - and that I liked my music. She backed down and went back to her desk). Well, it went back and forth until 1 day A got into B's face and really let into her about the situation. Since B felt that manager was not helping matters she kept the incident to herself. (This also went on in multiple e-mails back and forth and to manager). During this time another temp was sitting 2 cubes further down the line. A complained in an email to manager that temp had to go because she hummed when she was walking by and gimped when she walked so the step was uneven and irritating. (See - A had the power from before). By then Manager found out about incident with B and called me and other co-workers in and basically ask if A was a time bomb waiting to go off with her behaviors. Individuallywe all agreed that yes - she definately needed some anger management classes if not more counseling. Manager said that she was going to put her on probation. After Manager talked with A she emailed us privately that she thought that A understood the ramifications of her actions and that she apologized.
Now - last week employee C sent an email out requesting help with a printing application problem. A went down to offer assistance. At the time C was in conversation with 2 other employees and told A she would be with her in a minute. A sat in C's chair and kept calling her name. C said again, I'll be there in a minute. A said- well I'm not waiting all day and left. Then A promplty went to Manager (again crying) about C's behavior. C got called into Manager's office and told to get along with co-workers. When C explained the actual story Manager's comment was - well it has to be written in your personell file. Needless to say - C was quite upset and told Manager that the whole problem was A. Then A sends C email - oh I hope things are ok between us.
Sorry so long - but the big question here - is there anything to do? A seems to have Manager wrapped (because her work is so good). There's no reason why everyone in the office has to walk around on pins and if someone gives her a wrong look it'll be written up. And actually - we feel that we should be in bullet proof vests because someday she's really going to lose it.
thanks for listening.
A sounds like a real piece of work but there is no legal issue here. She is not violating any laws based on the information in your post which means that the management is not legally required to take any action. (Even if there were a legal obligation, they would not be required to take the action you want them to take.)

I'm not saying the manager is right not to deal with A but she does not appear to be dangerous and she is not violating the law.
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