psycho ex

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New Member
My friend has an ex boyfriend who has, well to be blunt, pretty much gone crazy. He's been stalking her and calling her and texting her constantly. About a month ago, he offered to pay for her to get new tires on the front of her car in the amount of $55. Now hes saying that he didn't offer, he only did it as long as she was willing to pay him back and he is threatening to sue her. Does she have to pay him back if theres no written and signed agreement stating that she said she was going to pay him back? Also, is this constant calling, texting and showing up at her job grounds for a restraining order?
I'd give him the $55 to shut him up, then file a restraining order.
I agree.

And if she's so concerned about him stalking her, she shouldn't agree to things like letting him pay for new tires for her car.

but the thing is he wasn't stalking her before he paid for the tires its only been a few weeks. And i'm asking if she HAS to pay him back, not if she should. Last time she called the police on him, he thought it was because she was in love with him.
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Maybe he's stalking her because he wants to be paid for the tires.

Look; it's likely he believes he has a reason to remain in contact with her; the "tires" becomes his reason.

Does she HAVE to pay him back? It depends on what was actually discussed at the time of the offering. SHOULD she pay him back in the hopes that she gets him out of her life? Yes.

If he sues they can go to court and discuss whether these tires were a gift or not. But it might take months for the case to actually come to court; in the meantime she's stuck with him calling her.

It's only $55, seriously. We're not talking about an extremely large sum of money here. If I knew her, I'd pay it for her just to stop the drama.
we don't HAVE the money to give him right now we pay $775 a month plus i have my 7 month old daughter to take care of too. Hes not going to leave her alone simply because she pays him back for the tires. He'll find another reason to stalk her. It has nothing to do with the tires. He's just obsessed.
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