Psychotic episode at the workplace

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I'm a graduate student at a university and a few months ago, I had a psychotic episode in front of faculty and students while giving a presentation. I was not aware that I was having an episode while it was taking place, and I didn't realize that such an episode had occurred for about four months. None of the faculty/students informed me of what happened during the presentation and ultimately, I have been placed on a leave of absence from the university. I'm wondering whether the university was responsible for informing me of what happened or offering some form of treatment/support since I was enrolled as a full-time graduate student. What branch of the legal system deals with these issues, specifically offering treatment to employees that may suffer from mental disease?

I'm unsure whether a university can turn a blind eye to a student who clearly had a psychotic break that was so severe that he/she was not even aware than such an event occurred. I'm also unsure whether that university can allow the student to continue working, and not provide him/her with any information of the event or offer mental help.

Thoughts and comments are appreciated, thanks.
The university owes you no duty of care.
I suggest you seek treatment for whatever ails or affects you.

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I don't know what type of psychotic episode you had but have you talked to a doctor or mental health professional? You need to start there. It "seems" you haven't. Does the univ. have any type of employee/student assistance program for these type of "problems" you can take advantage of?
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