Criminal Records, Expungement PTI and employment background check

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HI. My son has filed for PTI. I see no problem with him getting approved. My question is: He just got a good job as a manager. His boss has been holding off on the background check, but she can't hold off much longer. Will there be a criminal record when they do it, or since he was not convicted, will they hold off until he finishes PTI? and if it does show up and he loses this job, how is a person supposed to find employment, which is required to be on PTI?
Pre Trial Intervention

Will there be a criminal record when they do it, or since he was not convicted, will they hold off until he finishes PTI? If he was not convicted, then he should not have a record...

I just got off PTI, while i was on it i had 3 background checks and not one came up negative. I also got a new license in FL. The last number in the FL license will tell how many felony's are on record mine still says 0.
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