Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication public intox

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter adam e
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adam e

I got a ticket in 2014 for public intoxication an i went to court an got a payment plan set for 25 dollars a month bc i had bills an in june 2016 i got bite by a spider an it almost killed me an in August i got to the nursing home from the hospital the nursing home i dont think knew i was on ssi so i got the socail worker to send the court something saying i didnt have the funds to pay so i got the payments to stop till i got out of here an the courts said that was fine an then in december all the suddone the call an say i have a warrant an i had to change my address with socail sercurity to the nursing home in oct so nov to dec i didnt get any money an i jan 2017 i got 30 they started sending me each month i told them that every time i try to tell them my simulated virsion of the story they just start getting the whole story so mest up is there an way i can get the notes there typing an is there anything i can do bc im still here trying to rehab an they sent me a message saying they were going to come get me no matter were i at today an it stressing me out an i slipped up an cussed at the woman saying that judge is a f ing prick an i called back an left a message saying i was sorry i was just in alot of pain an alot of meds any help i really could use

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