Public Order, Loitering, Urination Public Urination Orange County

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Got a ticket for public urination, just out of amtrak station, it was aroung 8.30pm and i looked around, had to take a leak, was urgent, was Not arrested it says a Misdemeanor in orange county, irvine, please help and advice :( ... no priors records. Any Help is Greatly Appreciated. Also i am not from here, i am out of state, came to visit a frnd.
You should plead not guilty. You should also get a lawyer. In Ca. you will "probably" end up with paying a fine for disorderly conduct - you "might" even beat the charge.
HI Mightymoose, the offence is a misdeamnor, and i have seen your recent post on the ppublic urination, i do not mind paying a little to the restitution or charities but all i want is to keep my record clean, my work would need background check which will be affected. What could be the expected result. I Did talk to a couple of lawyers as well. Please help on what should i do and what could be the results of outcome.
What is the offense listed on the citation? Is it a penal code or a local ordinance?
It its possible you were cited under the wrong section and cam easily beat this. It should not be a misdemeanor... at least not for a first offense.
Per a reference I have it can be filed as a misdemeanor or an infraction - their discretion. It's best to talk to an attorney & see what they can do for you.
Urinating in public is not even a violation in the penal code.
There may be local ordinances about it, which are typically handled as infractions unless there are prior violations.
If he was cited for something in the penal code such as indecent exposure he can easily beat the offense as it would have to be proven he did so with some sort of sexual motivation.
Mmm... I forgot about the public transportation section.
It sounds like he was outside the facility and it still wouldn't apply. Depends how far outside the station I suppose.
Still, it is only an infraction with up to $250 fine and not a misdemeanor until a third violation.

This is the sort of thing a person can handle on their own simply by appearing and paying the fine. As an infraction they wouldn't even qualify for a public defender.
The local code allows for it to be a misdemeanor or an infraction. It does not matter what the officer marked on the citation. The decision is ultimately the prosecutor's.
Generally, an offense like this will be handled as an infraction unless there are prior offenses.
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