Published photos

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New Member
I captured a crash sequence on film at a drag race, I then sent pictures (with my contact info ,name,address,email&phone on the back of each photo) to the owners of the race team asking if they would like to use my photos on their web site, all I was looking for was the photo credit and some exposure on the web site. I got no response, and 6-7 months later I happened to be in a Bookstore and while looking at some drag racing books I found my pictures published in this book, what makes it a bit more insulting, is that the owner of the race car is taking credit for the pictures. I contacted the publisher and they said they would be willing to pay me double as to what the going rate for stock photography is worth
approx 300 dollars for 3 pictures. The book published 7,000 copies. Is the publisher at fault for not requiring a signed release for the photos? or the race car owner for misrepresenation.... , I am just starting to get info on attribution, and recompense as well as image piracy..... :confused:
your thoughts would be appreciated
thanking you all in advance...
ps... the car owner and sponsor are national figures
in drag racing, with one of the best funded operations
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