Puddin' Head droned the wrong dude in his vaunted drone killing!

army judge

Super Moderator
I knew when they did not release the name of the person that was killed that it was something like this. His incompetence is unmatched in the history of the country, Gerald Ford could not screw up as much.

Yet it wasn't Biden that flew that drone and directed the attack. The Pentagon did that. This was a military failure.
Yet it wasn't Biden that flew that drone and directed the attack. The Pentagon did that. This was a military failure.

Yet who appoints the chiefs and military heads? You can discourage blame all you want and O;Bama got Bin Laden
Trump got Soleimani
Biden killed an ally

what a shock.
Yet who appoints the chiefs and military heads?

The President does. Yet all those military commanders right up through the chiefs of staff are career military men and women, supposedly well trained through years of experience. Those are the people among whom the president has to make his selections. I would bet you couldn't do a better job selecting the heads of the military. I know I couldn't. I get that you are so partisan that you want to blame Biden for everything that goes wrong (and won't give him credit for what goes right). But again, Biden didn't personally conduct the drone operation. The military did — people whose entire career is doing this stuff. Like it or not, that's where the principal failure lies. A military that Biden inherited from your guy, Trump, by the way. I'm no fan of Biden, but I'm realistic enough to know what he's actually responsible for and what things are out of his control.
Puddin' Head is a gift, although some allege he's BOTH a gift and a curse.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm hoping Old Puddin' Head and his crew of misfits inhabit the White House for 8 years.

Then give the country 8 years of Old Giggles & Shakes "The She Clown".

Sixteen years of sound donkey leadership should be enough for most folks to discern the not so subtle differences between donkeys and elephants. :rolleyes:
I almost forgot.

The GPS coordinates for drone strikes derive from information supplied by intelligence operations, primarily the CIA and it's multitude of sources.

Some GPS coordinates are gathered by covert military operators on the ground, along with our various "eyes in the sky", human and computer driven.
I almost forgot.

The GPS coordinates for drone strikes derive from information supplied by intelligence operations, primarily the CIA and it's multitude of sources.

Some GPS coordinates are gathered by covert military operators on the ground, along with our various "eyes in the sky", human and computer driven.

You might just see the CIA bring the Tally Ban operations to the USA soil with all the equipment they gave them for FREE.
Puddin' Head is a gift, although some allege he's BOTH a gift and a curse.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm hoping Old Puddin' Head and his crew of misfits inhabit the White House for 8 years.

Then give the country 8 years of Old Giggles & Shakes "The She Clown".

Sixteen years of sound donkey leadership should be enough for most folks to discern the not so subtle differences between donkeys and elephants. :rolleyes:

You may get your wish, with the unleashed COVID virus and the ability to control and manipulate votes through DOMINION voting machines. You may never see another representative elected President in this country ever. I think Biden more or less could be an experiment to see if they can get whomever they want in office next time and the next time.
You may get your wish, with the unleashed COVID virus and the ability to control and manipulate votes through DOMINION voting machines. You may never see another representative elected President in this country ever. I think Biden more or less could be an experiment to see if they can get whomever they want in office next time and the next time.

You certainly like to bite on the conspiracy theories, don't you? There is no credible evidence that Dominion machines were tampered with to miscount votes. Indeed, Dominion is suing the Trumper Thumpers like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood who made up those claims for defamation, and so far it looks like Dominion has a good shot a winning. Sidney Powell's defense is not that she spoke the truth — which is what you'd think she'd do if she could prove that conspiracy theory. No, instead her defense is essentially that she sounded so crazy that no one could have believed what she was saying was true (well, maybe you believed her craziness....).
You certainly like to bite on the conspiracy theories, don't you? There is no credible evidence that Dominion machines were tampered with to miscount votes. Indeed, Dominion is suing the Trumper Thumpers like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood who made up those claims for defamation, and so far it looks like Dominion has a good shot a winning. Sidney Powell's defense is not that she spoke the truth — which is what you'd think she'd do if she could prove that conspiracy theory. No, instead her defense is essentially that she sounded so crazy that no one could have believed what she was saying was true (well, maybe you believed her craziness....).

Whatever, the only way I would ever believe the last presidential election wasn't rigged would be to have a run off with voter ID and PAPER ballots. That is the only true way to ensure voter integrity. No foreign based company should every have DOMINION over our voting systems, EVER.

All I have to say about that....
Whatever, the only way I would ever believe the last presidential election wasn't rigged would be to have a run off with voter ID and PAPER ballots.

In other words you refuse to believe the facts that are out there and still cling to the lie that Trump put out there that he lost to fraud — a claim that even he himself has since backed off. Why? Well, despite being president of the U.S. with all the federal government at his disposal and being a billionaire to throw in his own considerable resources into it, he could not come up with any solid evidence to back up his claim. That's why every lawsuit that his lawyers filed for him claiming election fraud got chucked out of court. Once it was revealed that he had no hand to play, he had no good option but to finally acknowledge what every one else could already see, that HE LOST THE ELECTION. He's a sore loser, no doubt about it. If he had any real integrity, he'd not have mislead you and other supporters with that lie.
In other words you refuse to believe the facts that are out there and still cling to the lie that Trump put out there that he lost to fraud — a claim that even he himself has since backed off. Why? Well, despite being president of the U.S. with all the federal government at his disposal and being a billionaire to throw in his own considerable resources into it, he could not come up with any solid evidence to back up his claim. That's why every lawsuit that his lawyers filed for him claiming election fraud got chucked out of court. Once it was revealed that he had no hand to play, he had no good option but to finally acknowledge what every one else could already see, that HE LOST THE ELECTION. He's a sore loser, no doubt about it. If he had any real integrity, he'd not have mislead you and other supporters with that lie.

What side are you on TC, you on the anti colonialism, anti constitutionalism, anti American band wagon?

20 years after 911 Tally Ban have raised their Al Qaeda flag over Afghanistan again. What side are you on? will you be the with the 3rd world people they are flooding the country with? the enemies of America who we have surrendered our freedoms for? 9-11 reshaped the country, via terrorism they want the ability to confine and control freedom.

What side are you on? You going to be the middle man for the tyrannical freedom-less government that is bound and determined to have a populous they can control completely?

America can not be for everyone, there has to be good guys and bad guys. How much freedoms are you willing to give up before you take a stand.
What side are you on? You going to be the middle man for the tyrannical freedom-less government that is bound and determined to have a populous they can control completely?

Not at all. That's why I rejected Trump both times. That's Trump's vision for America. He wanted to be America's Putin — that's why he was so chummy with Putin, to learn from a master of dictatorship.

How much freedoms are you willing to give up before you take a stand.

I love freedom. I also love democracy. While I'm not happy when my candidate loses in an election, I accept that the majority of voters felt differently. That's how democracy works. But the most extreme Trumper Thumpers can't bring themselves to accept the result of a democratic election. Instead, they'd support anything if it would reinstate their guy — insurrection, subversion of the Constitution, rejection of democracy. Well, that's not the America I want. I want an America that embraces democracy, not rejects it.
Interesting so you buy into what the main stream media tells you, how did they get those pictures of the people inside the White House?

Do you realize that the media and the stooges you think are soooo democratic allowed what you saw as a staged event to happen? They even directed, and told the people what do. The man being photographed at Pelosi's desk was instructed to do it. They then feed people like you that the real threat to democracy is white supremacy and then show you who they are and what they do. Those pictures were taken by CIA, Secret Service, et. al. to diverge the real tactics and get people like you to believe that they are actually serving democracy.

The real threat are the freedoms democrats take from society and do so on a daily basis through increase taxes and mass illegal immigration. If you choose to ignore it then that is up to you. It is so weird how media has manipulated people like you into hating America and thinking that the enemies are actually the other side. It is what the CIA has been doing for 50 years though, mass operations to destabilize, they are the real enemies of America.
Those pictures were taken by CIA, Secret Service, et. al. to diverge the real tactics and get people like you to believe that they are actually serving democracy.

The CIA, Secret Service, et. al where under the control of Trump on Jan. 6. He was President. He was the man in charge. He picked the people who ran those agencies. So are you admitting that Trump was behind it and sought to interfere with the lawful processes of Congress and mislead the American people?
The CIA, Secret Service, et. al where under the control of Trump on Jan. 6. He was President. He was the man in charge. He picked the people who ran those agencies. So are you admitting that Trump was behind it and sought to interfere with the lawful processes of Congress and mislead the American people?

Okay, Blame Trump for everything then.
Like I said division and hate....

I am drinking beer, eating pizza, watching football... Enjoy the rest of your day.
Okay, Blame Trump for everything then.

I don't blame Trump for everything. But I hold him accountable for the wrong things he did do, just like I do for every other president. And like every other president, I give him credit where he did well, too. You seem, though, to think Trump was fantastic and did no wrong. You won't accept where he screwed up and hold him accountable for lying to you about the election. I don't get that level of loyalty to the guy, but that's your choice.
I don't blame Trump for everything. But I hold him accountable for the wrong things he did do, just like I do for every other president. And like every other president, I give him credit where he did well, too. You seem, though, to think Trump was fantastic and did no wrong. You won't accept where he screwed up and hold him accountable for lying to you about the election. I don't get that level of loyalty to the guy, but that's your choice.

I am not a Loyalist, I was not at the capitol like those idiots were, he exposed a lot of what he was sent to office to clean up but could not. Due to the fact, quite frankly, it is a corruption that runs too deep and is worldwide. Trump cared for the military and the families whom served, He for sure wouldn't have killed allies nor look at his watch in a distasteful manner in a ceremony for soldiers which were killed on his watch. If you want to make yourself feel better for voting for what you considered the right choice then that is up to you? I get it, I did not like Trump's antics as well and it turned off a lot of people. However, he was a lot better than a corrupt political family who is just a puppet for his handlers. O'Bama even said never underestimate Joe's ability to screw things up.

If America is to survive the next 10 years then it will need a strong leader, maybe the Rock will do good on his promise of running, or maybe a new Republican candidate will emerge who can bring the country together. One thing is for certain, the country is more divided now than it has ever been since the first Civil War. You prove by your comments that each side thinks they are right, similar to the division that existed in the 1800s. If their is another Civil War in this country then it will make all other wars look like child's play.
ITrump cared for the military and the families whom served,

He did? He didn't really act like it. The military members I know say they feel like Trump never really respected them. Throughout Trumps whole career — starting with well before he ran for president — the impression I've always had is that he really only cares about one person: himself. He is one of the biggest narcissists I've ever seen. Trump advisors have said that Trump will love you as long as you kiss his ass and tell him how great he is. The moment you disagree with the man, that's when you get the boot.

I get it, I did not like Trump's antics as well and it turned off a lot of people.

That's true, and it's part of why he lost reelection.

If America is to survive the next 10 years then it will need a strong leader, maybe the Rock will do good on his promise of running, or maybe a new Republican candidate will emerge who can bring the country together.

God help us if the Rock ever becomes president. He has no real qualifications for the job. It'd be great if the Republican party can come up with a truly good candidate. I'd vote for a good Republican candidate. But with so many in the party still in the thrall of Trumpism my hopes on that are very low right now. The party has to move on from Trump to really succeed in the future.

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