Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Pulled Over for no reason??

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hi. I am a 17 year old male living in fredonia, WI. I need some help with my "legal" isues. Its about traffic stuff.

Yesterday i was joy riding on my motorcycle. I have no license to do so but i have never been pulled over on my bike. I assumed that they would not know that i do not have my license for that. I do have my license for my car. Well i was doing everything correce (blinkers, no lights out, Complete stop) and the cop pulled me over. He asked to see my hands when he got out of his car and then he came and talked to me.. all he asked is if i had a license, i said no.. he went to his car and about 20 mineutes later he came back and gave me a $181, 3 point ticket for driving a motorcytcle without sponsorship..i then asked why he pulled me over and he said that it was becasue he knew i didnt have a license. He has no way of knowing that other than knowing my name by heart.. he used info from a prevous case to look my name up. What if he pulled over a biker and it was no me.. what would he have told them.. what if i got my license that day and it was not in there computers yet.. i dont think he had the right to pull me over.. it may effect the case that i am out on bail right now and i have has several other traffic tickets in this town but please inform me on wheather it was right or what i should do? thank you much
well, let me be frank. Somehow I have the feeling it is your attitude towards the law that is wrong. You seem to think you can do whatever you want as long as you get away with it.

This time you didn't get away with it.

It seems this cop knew a lot about you. Probably he knew you did not have a license. If he had a reasonable suspicion to think that you did not have a license, then he had the right to stop you.

The police has the right to do a random computer check. So if the cop knew you or knew the bike belonged to you when you passed him, he had the right to run your name in the computer to check if you have a license. Even more, if he knew you had no license, he had all the right in the world to pull you over.

I came across a case like this lately where the Supreme Court of New Hampshire decided exactly in this way: State v. Richter, Docket # 99-090 of 2000.

I didn't do any research on this but I can see other courts in other states thinking the same way.
i see... i nocited that the cop was driving by my house for a few days before he got me. also i was at my buddys house with my bike and they drove by about 12 times. I just thought it was for no reason.... I have had several tickets in the past and yes the cops do know my name but the police officer who pulled me over never met (or pulled) me in person.. the reason the recognaised me is because i am a large man .... and there is not manny really large people in my community.. but the cop told me that one of the officers from the county (the cop who pulled me was a local marshal) that i did not have my license.. I may just be looking for a way out but dosent discrimination com into play there at all? also what right would the cop have to pull someone he thought was me.. he would have pulled over any big person on a motorcycle.. thats not right.. what would he have said..? "ahh sorry i thought you were someone else, you can go"...I just feel that if the officer did not know me or of me he never would have had any reason to pull me over.. where does the line get drawn? Because of this ticket i will lose my license.. this pushed me over the top.. will this effect my ability to get my license?

Now that i think of it i have really messed my life up.. I have so manny tickets.. I am only 17..

I got:
Speeding - 61mph in a 25mph
Disordely Conduct - Fighting
Disordely Conduct With a Motor Vehicle - Tire spin (Burrner)
Failure to Yeild to a passing vehicle
Impeeding traffic by slow speeds
Speeding - 86mph in a 55mph (Lowered to to 79mph)
Forgery - Dont want to know
Forgery Same case two times
Theft - Steeling the things I forged

I got dropped:
Regestration Ticket
Driving without license on board(card)
and 11 warnings (all from one BAD car - Improper trie tread, No hood, To low to ground, Tint to dark, Brake light out, more i dont remember)

I guess whatever i get i deserve.. mabey i will sell the motorcycle, snowmobile, and car to pay everything off and start life over.. there is no easy way out.. all this (without the two forgery and theft) comes to about $1200 plus the big check frad case will cost alot. I hate to part with my stuff, i love them ... i worked so hard for two years to afford it .. my 95 dodge avenger es.. or my bike, a 83 honda sabre v45 VF750.. or my sled a 95 polaris indy xlt..I love them all so much.. but i guess i messed up.. Big Time..
anyway thank for listning to my story.. any suggestions would help

Wow, you really need to get a grip on your life. And there is no better day to start doing that than today.

The point here is that the cop knew you. Probably he even knew that you did not have a license for a bike, but even if he only had a strong suspicion that is enough for him to pull you over.

If you have a motorbike, what is the big deal in getting a license? You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by going by the rules, but I guess you know that now.

Let it be a lesson for the future and good luck!
the reason i dont have a license it because in order to get my temps i need to prove enrolement in a motorcycle safety course .. i am under 18 but my mom has no problem with it.. my problem is that the class costs loads of money and it starts two days before my b-day to turn 18. i decided i would take it either way to be safe but when i went to sighn up all the classes in wisconsin and michigan were either full for the year or not scheduled yet.. so i didnt know what to do.. well i know no.. im gonna sell the bike and start over.. pay everything off.. i messed up.. i know.. thanks all
Getting pulled over.


I live in the UK and I got pulled over the other morning. I was not speeding, my lights work, I have test certificate, licence and so on.

The policeman made me do a breathalizer test, "Yes, thats clear" he said sounding surprised that it was. Considering that I do not drink at all (I have a glass of wine at chrismas meal but thats it) the fricken breath test is gonna be clear isnt it!

I did not ask the officer why he pulled me over and he certainly wasn't going to say why himself, he let me go, but I have to drive to a police station 3 miles away to prove that I own my own car, how strange. While we were there I should have issued the policeman with a 'producer' myself, after all how do I know he is a real cop?

So I have to present documents to the authorities and the authorities deliberately keep quiet about key things themselves like for example, the "Patriot Act".

Seems that the law is there to kick us into touch rather than to protect us and to stop crime. We are getting labelled as a terrorist race and the laws for this are all coming in NOW in 2004.

In England, "If you are caught dropping chewing gum, you WILL be fined £50". Thats the exact words of the Governments radio advert! This is a THREAT TO TAKE MONEY, not the stopping of criminal activity.

What will they be doing next, having laws to say, if you look at a policeman the wrong way you WILL be fined £50? Maybe if your tyre pressure is too low or high - £50 fine on the spot. Ugly women not wearing enough make up - £50 fine ladies. You step on a crack in the pavement - £50 fine. Speak out against what the SATANIC AGENDA is up to - ???!

You get stepped on.

I know in England, the Government do the job properly, I mean, the people of England literally LIE DOWN and get stepped on by the Government.

Get this: My friend got a £30 fine for taking a sip of his water on a hot day at the wheel of his car, whilst stationary and waiting for traffic to clear, so he could join a roundabout. This is sick! Where oh where does the £30 go? On a 'Motorist awareness scheme' or some made up scheme like that I guess but it just goes to the authorities, that great funnel of greed taking 70% of our money RIGHT NOW IN 2004. This 70% rule applies to both the USA and the UK. In the third world the CIA makes sure people die every day in one way or another. It is a rumour that AIDS was deliberately introduced into African society to control the population. So although we are 'worker slaves' paying 70% to our Government at least we are lucky enough to be white and in their country. Black people do not have any satanic agenda like whites do and I am white myself by the way, white people invent ways to oppress blacks, I dont understand it, yes skin colour differs in humans and I can see how our enlightened leaders could and would make us oppose each other for skin colour but come on, it has been white people mainly.

Something like 70% of drug users are white in the USA and yet about the same percentage of the people imprisoned for this crime are non white!

Our Government, although so obviously shambolic and completely satanic at its core (just like the US Government and I should think most other countries too) seems to get away with their cover ups.

In the UK there is no one like Alex Jones pointing out stuff about OUR country. There is a media blackout almost over here. I am glad someone like Alex Jones has the balls to speak out about what he finds - documented facts. Alex Jones does not make anything up, he presents information that he has found.

Oh yeah getting pulled over - it made me late for work and I could face the sack because I was on a last warning and mending my ways, I have not been late for a while and wanted to keep my good record at work, the police shattered this record by making me late for work and actually not giving me any reason why I was pulled over.
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