Qualifying for spousal support

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I was married for a little over 10yrs, we are separated. He was the main bread winner, now I am stuck with a high rent and a lot of bills and a child. I was granted a protection order due to his violence, now I am being evicted.

We have a court date to start the divorce but now that date is going to be postponed

Is there something where I can get an emergency order? and do I qualify for support?
There is no strict formula; many things are taken into account such as both of your incomes, your previous and future earning capacity etc.

You can petition the court for "pedente lite" support in the interim.

If I were you, I'd have a chat with an attorney.
I'm going to contact my attorney Tuesday, I am on social security so basically a fixed income, he on the other hand makes 7 times as much as I do.

he promised the whole world that my child and I would be taken care of, that we wouldn't have to move and that he would pitch in. But has totally changed his tune since the protection order was granted, his family including mine told me this, and also told me that I deserve to be in this position because I will drop anything
Are you disabled?

And married over 10 years?

You could end up being awarded permanent alimony. Don't raise your hopes, but that's not uncommon in your situation.
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