Question about a really complicated matter

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New Member
My questions is this. Me and my ex had a baby she lied about the baby dying at 4 months then in dec of that year went and had the baby and told me she was just going up to see her dad well found out she had the baby i found out about it and also that she signed her rights away i went to contest it and was told in the state law of michigan my rights were already revoked. then shortly after that i signed a notarized paper and under the understanding that i would see my child and get pictures and all that by her stepmom and also under the impression the reason i was signing it was to make sure she was taken care of with medicial and dental well now her stepmom want let us see her or talk to her or have any communication with me and the childs mother i was wondering what can i do and do i have some chance of getting custody
If your parental rights were revoked and the child was adopted, you may find that you're out of luck - period.

As an unwed father, your consent or notification may not have been needed in order for an adoption to take place.

But your post is so unclear that it's hard to know what you're really trying to get across. Hence the suggestion of an attorney is a most excellent suggestion indeed.
Since Mom claimed the baby "died" we can assume he was never named child Father or signed any birth documents. If Mom claimed Father was "unknown" it can also be assumed that Mom could move forward with adoption. How much time has passed? I ask this because if the child is happy and content you also need to consider how uprooting or attempting to will impact your child
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