New Member
My wife filed for divorce and had a petition delivered to me which I signed. I was told that the petition "can be changed at any time" as long as we agree about the changes. While things seemed for some time that we were in agreement, it is appearing now that I was not told the whole truth about some things. My question is that the petition included reference to a property which is mortgaged to both of us. The reference in the petition states that reponsibility to that property (the mortgage) is entirely mine. Now that I realize some dishonesty along the way, I want the petition to be changed. I cannot afford an attorney and I understand citizens can represent themselvees. If I wait for the court date to challenge the existing petition, is that okay to do? Can I go to the court session and then say that I want the property mortgaged to both of us to be listed as both our responsibility, 50/50 split. ? I realize my question is not worded well but it is because it is very complicated and I'm trying to shorten it to get to the main thing I need to know.
Thank you very much in advance.
Thomas John
Thank you very much in advance.
Thomas John