Question about trial, not pleading guilty

I doubt if smoking marijuana will have any bearing one way or the other on charges of possession with intent to sell.

However, if you are dumb enough to toke up between now and the time of your next court appearance, there could be new charges if you are high while in court.

Do you have an attorney?
If you're on bond, or released on your recognizance, you can be drug tested REGARDLESS of any plea!

I suggest you THOROUGHLY READ ALL of your documents related to your release!!!!

You'll also be subject to drug testing, not merely urine type testing, throughout any probation you might receive.

Take any plea ONLY if you KNOW you're guilty.
My brother paid $2,500 for an attorney and another 2.5k for my father.

They ended up charging both of us, but I'm innocent. Not taking a plea, never been in trouble before in my life and I'm 26.

My lawyer said being both of our lawyers, he requested for court appointed attorney(I was confused like wtf, $2.5k for nothing) and my father took the plea deal, because he was obviously guilty.

So I go to court soon and didn't want to ask my lawyer this question, with him thinking I smoke cannabis.

I had a $500 bond also, but my lawyer(the first one) got me out of jail without paying a dollar. Nothing about drug testing was mention and haven't been tested once this past 9 months.

This is my first appearance with my new lawyer and I don't know exactly what's going to happen(maybe jury selection?)...

Just curious if they would drug test me any time during my trial.

You can be tested.

Will you be tested?

Only the judge can order it, if the prosecutor requests it.

Be smart, stop abusing any drug, even drugs prescribed by a physician.

Keep a low profile, keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open.

Don't discuss this case with anyone BUT your lawyer.

Never reveal ANYTHING about your case from this point forward.

Don't assist the state in putting a noose around your neck.

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