Question of A Slander Suit

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New Member
We have a President of A National Fan Club. She has started rumors and sent damaging e-mails to other board members of me, my fiance and her family. These e-mails she has sent to board members are full of lies of hearsay statements. None of which are factual. These e-mails she has publicated to board members have damaged my reputation as a entertainer. Also has been hurtful to my fiance and her family. She is also threatening of bringing these accusations before the entire club of 250 members at the next club meeting. Do I have a slander suit against her, and who cna I get in the state of NC to handle this case?
Thank You,
Roy Gaddy
Can you prove to anyone that the damage really has affected your career as far as engagement cancellations and so forth? An entertainment attorney will need that.

Have you tried to reply to the email chain that she has sent those emails asking her to stop spreading rumors? Take a proactive role (i.e - Barak Obama style) and cut it in the nip by coming forward to your community and telling them that the rumors are not true and that she should stop all the hearsay. If she continues, make her aware that you will file a suit against her for defamation of character and monetary damages (if you can prove those) Good Luck!
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