Criminal Records, Expungement Question on a old felony

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4 years ago i was arrested and charged for Unarmed Robbery and i was wondering how long does it take for this felony to be removed from my Background so no one will be able to see it? Im trying to find this out cause im currently in school for Law Enforcement (go figure huh :D). I live in Michigan and that is where i got the charge. I planned on getting it expunged in Feb cause that would be 5 years but to get onto the force you cant have felonys nor expungments so really theres no reason to waiste $500.00 . So what can i do to remove this or atleast make it so when they do the background check they cant use it.
Someone will always be able to see or remember the felony, regardless of how it is expunged. Best example is a news story and people's recollections of past events. I wouldn't rely upon people not uncovering a past discretion. I'm not sure the risk that I think I'm understanding here is worth it. Are you sure that your conviction prevent you from joining the force by itself? Are you talking about an expungment of the records by the courts after a period of time?
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