Question on crimminal background info,

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I have had my background checked by the state of texas backgound check website. I've had to obtain this to be listed on the registry for my profession.
My question is can I take my copy of my crimminal history to a perspective employer and submit it with my application. I will do this in place of listing my offenses on their applications small space. And with this document I will show no intent to decieve the employer after the employer does their own background check.
I don't see why you couldn't though you could ask the employer first.
Ok, thank you. But do I have a legal right to submit my backgound check document in place of filling out the space on their application.
CAN you? Sure, there is no law prohibiting you from doing so.

However, there is also no law requiring the employer to pay any attention to what you provide.
I just feel that doing this would clear me of being accused of giving false information prior to the employer doing their own background check
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