New Member
My ex just got remarried and the new stepmom must believe that she is my replacement. Ex and I signed papers stating that he has every 23rd, and 24th till 9pm then I get them for Christmas. Ex's wife called and tried to bully me saying that I have to give him every other Christmas just like she has it with her ex, or they are taking me back to court to get it changed. I have full legal and physical custody he only has visitation rights, I don't do drugs, alcohol, stay out late, or abuse my kids. Can he get this changed in court if he already had agreed to it in writting? Also, ex's wife also has threatened me that they will take me back to get joint custody of my girls. Can this happen? He's hardly even with the girls, they spend their time with the ex's wife or their paternal grandparents. I just need things cleared up. Thank you to whoever responds.