Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Question on Possession


New Member
SWIM wants to know if they would be responsible for any way if they left a glass bowl at a friends house almost two years ago, the friend of SWIM who has the bowl is risking the chance of being raided by police. If the police find the bowl, who gets charged for paraphernalia possession? SWIM does not smoke but lent the bowl almost 2 years ago there. If the bowl is found during the raid, is it SWIMS friend who gets charged with it? Even if SWIMS friend says its not his and says it is SWIMS what if SWIM simply says its not his at all, it was in the possession of SWIMS friend and the friend knew where the bowl was the whole time. Who gets in trouble? Im pretty sure its SWIMS friend who is charged because there is no proof that the bowl was even "dirty" or had resin even when the bowl was given to the friend. Glass pipes are not illegal. What if SWIMS friend tries to say it is SWIMS? Cant SWIM just deny this anyway and it would be the friends responsibility?
If you no longer possess contraband, forget the contraband.
If someone possesses contraband, they're the ones at risk if the cops come calling.

If Punkin has contraband, the cops arrest Punkin, but he says it belongs to Pickle; so what?

Pickle would only be in trouble if he's DUMB enough to claim he owned it.

The best thing Pickle can do is tell Punkin to destroy the damn thing.

Or, Pickle goes over to Punkin's house, retrieves the junk and destroys it himself.

Don't make life harder than it has to be, mate, because its damn hard without breaking THEIR laws and dealing with convictions, jail, prison.
If you no longer possess contraband, forget the contraband.
If someone possesses contraband, they're the ones at risk if the cops come calling.

If Punkin has contraband, the cops arrest Punkin, but he says it belongs to Pickle; so what?

Pickle would only be in trouble if he's DUMB enough to claim he owned it.

The best thing Pickle can do is tell Punkin to destroy the damn thing.

Or, Pickle goes over to Punkin's house, retrieves the junk and destroys it himself.

Don't make life harder than it has to be, mate, because its damn hard without breaking THEIR laws and dealing with convictions, jail, prison.

So if SWIM texts the friend and says throw it out! or did you throw it out? could that be used against them if messaged are retrieved if the cops obtain SWIMS friends phone through the raid? Meaning can SWIM get in trouble for asking someone if they threw out the pipe? or can SWIM get in trouble for asking for the pipe to be thrown out via text message? Does this claim ownership? Because all it says in the text is that SWIM has no use for it and that SWIMS friend should definitely throw it out" and then days later texts back to confirm that the bowl was disposed of? SWIM basically doesnt even want to get in trouble for even asking for the bowl to be thrown out, like it would be tampering with evidence? What if they never find the bowl but only find on the phone that the bowl was thrown out at some point and that SWIM asked for it to be thrown out?
So if SWIM texts the friend and says throw it out! or did you throw it out? could that be used against them if messaged are retrieved if the cops obtain SWIMS friends phone through the raid? Meaning can SWIM get in trouble for asking someone if they threw out the pipe? or can SWIM get in trouble for asking for the pipe to be thrown out via text message? Does this claim ownership? Because all it says in the text is that SWIM has no use for it and that SWIMS friend should definitely throw it out" and then days later texts back to confirm that the bowl was disposed of? SWIM basically doesnt even want to get in trouble for even asking for the bowl to be thrown out, like it would be tampering with evidence? What if they never find the bowl but only find on the phone that the bowl was thrown out at some point and that SWIM asked for it to be thrown out?

If you've already done any of that, you've possibly assisted in your on conviction.

What I revealed is the safest approach.

The even safer approach is NEVER break any of their LAWS.

Once you break THEIR laws, they become agitated, excited, aggravated; and want to NAIL someone to the wall.

If you anger THEM, its best to play dead, pretend you don't exist, and hope they'll be fooled.

Remember playing "hide N go seek" as a kid?

You need to be vewy, vewy quiet, and wemain vewy, vewy still; because they MIGHT be hunting you, dude.
Maybe I'm just old but I'd like to know what a "SWIM" is.

Single White Intoxicated Male?

Brother, I'm surprised you haven't heard this one! :)


Police officer: Did you do this shit, you puke?
Thug Gangstah: Uh huh it was SWIM officer!

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