Question on squatters rights

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New Member
I got married a year and half ago and moved into my wifes home. She and her husband at the time, (now deceased) bought this property in 1990. The property consists of 110 acres, house, barn, and outbuildings. It was purchased from her husbands parents. A survey was not conducted at the time of sale, but the property lines were shown to them by the sellers. Now, on to my question. The property owner behind us just had a survey done a week ago. I stopped over there to visit him yesterday and he showed me the survey map. My wife and I were very surprised to see we own 13 acres adjoining his land. This land is posted by the ex-in-laws who originally sold the property to my wife. I've contacted the surveyor to have him come over and survey the parcel, but I'm concerned they may claim squatters rights. In my mind, it seems like no Judge would rule in their favor. There are no dwellings or improvements of any kind made, with the exception of a trail. It's obvious we didn't know this was included in the sale because we would have been back there making improvements, as we have on all the rest of the property. We're contacting our attorney tomorrow to get his opinion, but I was wondering what the experts here thought. Your input would be greatly appreciated!
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