Question regarding public defender

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My son has been in the NM county jail since Oct of 2007, in Nov he was appointed a public defender, there have been 3 pre-trial hearings with no results from any of them. He has never seen or met his public defender. His public defender has never returned numerous calls from me (parent) asking about his case. Is there anything else I can do? Any advice/help with this would be greatly appreciated.
As previous post states your free to hire him an Attorney. Now is your son a minor or adult? If an adult the Attorney does not have to return your calls or give you any info at all
He is an adult who has given his public defender permission to give us any info. This public defender told the judge at the second pre-trial hearing that a plea agreement was being offered and asked the judge to sign off on it, but the judge then asked (has your client signed off on it?) to which the PD replied, no I need to take it out to the jail. He has not gone to see his client yet and it's been over 5 weeks ago that this transpired. We just want to find out what sentence he will get and how much time.
You might seek another Attoreny if you can. by the way even though you son gave permission to giv einfo on case doe snot obligate the Attorney to do so
Call Upward

Public Pretenders are a joke. Their only purpose is to serve their hours until they can become prosecutors anyway. (Although there are a few sincere individuals) So, call, call, call! The public defender will never do anything to help your son. You need to do all the legal footwork; including pressuring all the people at the public defenders office so that your son's attorney is moved to do something. THis includes asking to speak to supervisor after supervisor, even when you're given the same lame answer of "He's working on it." BEWARE, you're son is in danger of misrepresentation--the only hope is for you or someone else to help majorly.
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