Question regarding unhappy roommate who moved out

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I rented a room in my home to a tenant for a year, and had a lease. I did not renew her lease and she moved out. I have since received a 3 page letter from her demanding I send her the total amount of rent money she paid me, because she was dissatisfied with the home, appliances, animals, etc. Should I need to be concerned if she takes me to small claims court?
Thank you for your time.
I rented a room in my home to a tenant for a year, and had a lease. I did not renew her lease and she moved out. I have since received a 3 page letter from her demanding I send her the total amount of rent money she paid me, because she was dissatisfied with the home, appliances, animals, etc. Should I need to be concerned if she takes me to small claims court?
Thank you for your time.

I wouldn't waste my time responding to her.
If she sues you, and things are as you say, you have nothing to fear!
Just make sure you don't default if you are sued, and the court will quickly send that idiot packing!
She's just mad about having to leave and trying to get something for nothing. Ignore her demands.
Many threaten to sue. Few follow through.

If she does, she'll have to prove in court what the heck made the place "uninhabitable" and why she waited until she moved out to notify you regarding this.

It will give the judge a chuckle as she stumbles her way through this.

It sounds like the first time she complained about anything is after she moved out. She "probably" will not even sue. If she does, based on what you posted, I can't see her getting/winning a judgment against you.
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