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I am on the board of directors of a non-profit arts board. Our employee is very uncomfortable with one of our volunteers (also a former board member) being there when he/she is at the building alone. The volunteer often directs some our performances. She is our only employee & thus works there alone. She has explained to us that the stress is being to affect to health...depression, panic attack, etc. The volunteer was very verbal at our board meetings in expressing his opinions and I know when directing he has yelled & threw things but to my knowledge has never physically hurt anyone. I know he does feel she should be fired. Our employee gets along with all members of the board except for the two other board members who are good friends with the volunteer. My question is what is the best way to proceed with this situation?

Another question most of our board members are not covered by D & O Insurance...I'm guessing many are not even aware it exits and they would need to have it. I myself was not aware of it until a couple of months ago. I am in the process of getting it now but obviously it will not cover me on this issue at this point. If any of board members were to resign from the board would they still be able to be sued? Also could they sue the Non-profit arts board.

As of right now no lawsuits have been filed but once the volunteer finds out that our employee is uncomfortable with them he/she will not react well.
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