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New Member
I owe a company $4,000. The owner has brought suit against me and the Court date is Sep 3. I assume the Judge will bring a judgment against me. What exactly does judgment mean, and will I be able to make monthly payments to satisfy this debt?

Thank you.
Have you already offered payments to the owner and he refused? If you are willing to pay the debt try to work out an arrangement prior to court. If the owner accepts, then the civil case can be dismissed. If it goes to court, most likely you will first be given the chance to mitigate with the owner prior to have the judge pass his ruling. A 3rd party professional mitigator will try to settle the case prior to going in front of the judge. This would be the time to suggest payments if you had not previously done so. If the owner refuses to accept payments or any other mitigating factors, then the case goes in front of the judge. If the judge ends up awarding a judgment against you, then it is up to the owner to collect. The owner would have to either garnish your wages, your bank account, or have a Sheriff take possession and sell an asset such as a car or boat.

In other words, once a judgment is given payments are not part of the deal. The owner would be given a judgment ordering payment of the $4,000. How the owner collects it is up to him.
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