Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Questionable

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New Member
I was recently charged with larceny.
It was shoplifting of around 200 dollars. (ofcourse, stupid and irresponsible)
I live in NC, am 15 years old, and have no criminal record, high grades, etc. etc.

All I want is for this to not be on my record.
I understand that in NC you can use a 'Prayer for Judgement'. There will definentally not be any more criminal charges against me, so I don't worry about the whole, coming back up again thing. That is what I hope to do, but I have not conferred with an attorney or anything yet. Do you think this plea would work, and keep the charge off my criminal record?
My only concern with trying to u se a PJC is that the charge was issued on a military base, which can be considered a 'federal installment'.

Please help!
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