Questions I'd like a lawyer to answer

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New Member
I apologize in advance for taking up your time, but . . .

I'm interested in becoming a lawyer and was wondering if someone in this carrer would be so kind as to answer a few questions.

1. What training does a career in law require?

2. Are you in a particular branch of law?

3.What natural abilities or interests are needed for
a career in law?

4. What is the approximate starting salary range
for the branch of law that you are in?

5. Is there a good job availability for those who
choose to be in this profession?

6. Would you rate the opportunities for
advancement as poor, fair, good, or excellent.

7. Could you list a particular advantage of being
a lawyer?

-A particular disadvantage of being a lawyer?

8. Do you have any special advice fro someone
interested in civil law?

9. Are there any current problems faced by most

10. Why did you choose law as your profession?

11. What professional organizations are associated
with your law firm?

12. Are you professional acredited?

Thanks in advance.:yes:
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The questions you pose should be directed in you local area, i have pasted a link for you to take a look at. This may not be your local area but it's a place to start to give you some idea.

Good luck in you quest and I am sure you will find this information helpfull.

Take care

General answers:

1. What training does a career in law require?

A: Three years of law school, a law school degree, and admission to the state bar.

2. Are you in a particular branch of law?

A: Yes.

3.What natural abilities or interests are needed for a career in law?

A: Ability to get along with people and ability to do lots of research.

4. What is the approximate starting salary range for the branch of law that you are in?

A: This varies by state and your employer.

5. Is there a good job availability for those who choose to be in this profession?

A: My impression is that there are too many lawyers; just a guess, though.

6. Would you rate the opportunities for advancement as poor, fair, good, or excellent.

A: It all depends on you.

7. Could you list a particular advantage of being a lawyer?

A: People tell you lots of lawyer jokes.

-A particular disadvantage of being a lawyer?

A: People tell you lots of lawyer jokes.

8. Do you have any special advice fro someone interested in civil law?

A: Work hard.

9. Are there any current problems faced by most lawyers?

A: Stress and overwork.

10. Why did you choose law as your profession?

A: I don't remember.

11. What professional organizations are associated with your law firm?

A: State bar.

12. Are you professional acredited?

A: I have a law license.
This is not legal Advice!

Seniorjudge, you must love typing my way was far quicker!:yes:

Take Care

Senior Judge, just curious, you are actually a BAR certified lawyer? In what field? Some of your "advice" on here is horrible, and quite humerous at times. At least half of your responses are just "see an attorney".
Senior Judge, just curious, you are actually a BAR certified lawyer? In what field? Some of your "advice" on here is horrible, and quite humerous at times. At least half of your responses are just "see an attorney".

Yes, I am bar certified. The Coyote Lounge, in fact! :D
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Sorry seniorjudge, please do not take my last comment as a dig, it was not directed to be detrementle in anyway.

As this is only a forum and is open for opions to anyone who may feel there advice maybe helpfull to people that are looking for futher input to there dilemas.

I know you are as helpfull as you can be, just like all of us.

Take care

This is not legal Advice!

Sorry seniorjudge, please do not take my last comment as a dig, it was not directed to be detrementle in anyway.

As this is only a forum and is open for opions to anyone who may feel there advice maybe helpfull to people that are looking for futher input to there dilemas.

I know you are as helpfull as you can be, just like all of us.

Take care


This is not legal Advice!

No Problems.

Take care

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