Quit Claim or Quiet Title?

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New Member
I am one of five ( 5) heirs to a 2 acre parcel of land in NC. All the the principal owner of this land are deceased. I am the only heir that has paid the property taxes on the land over the last 12 years. I have asked other heirs to help me pay the taxes and they all either refused or state that they don't have any money at the time. Last year, the land was almost lost for non-payment of property taxes (tax foreclosure). As usual, I rushed to pay the outstanding balance due to avert the land sale. Two of the heirs are willing to sign "any document", since they continue to express no interest in the land, but they want to be compensated for their signatures. Two other heir's whereabouts are unknown. Their last known address was in CA. No family member has seen or spoken with them in more that 15 years. The last heir refuses to pay any taxes or sign and documents. I don't think its fair for me to continue to pay the land taxes by myself and the other heirs continue to do nothing. I have paid over $9,780 in taxes over the past few years and I don't know what to do. If I stop paying taxes we lose the land. If I continue to pay the taxes I can pay the taxes for the rest of my life. What should I do. I need some type of relief. Quit Claim or Quiet Action ?
Get as many quit claim deeds as you can.

For the ones who won't sign, file a quiet title lawsuit.
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