Quitting as Assistant to Attorney due to Unstable work environment

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I was working for an attorney in Houston as her assistant, I quit after 1 month because she created an uncomfortable work environment. She constantly used foul language. Made derogatory comments about her African American clients. Also called former colleagues of her fags and a**holes. I being homosexual, was uncomfortable with such comments. She was constantly coming into her office in a bad mood, slamming things on her desk, throwing files left and right and constantly snapping at me if she felt something was not done as she thought it should be. I was constantly locked out of the office because even though she promised to get me my own key, she neglected to do so. She also failed to pay on a regular schedule, sometimes paying me up to 5 days late. Also, when I would ask her if would could review the bi-weekly hours so she could pay me, she would reply with, "not now, i'm busy, later" and of course later, never came. I recently sent her a text message asking for my final paycheck. She told me she would mail it to me. I asked her to please let me know when she would be in her office so I could go collect because I didn't want to wait another 3 to 4 days. Not to mention I didn't trust her in mailing the paycheck on time considering she constantly avoided her clients. And left me to deal with talking to her clients when she was avoiding them, having to take their verbal abuse becuase they were upset with her. She replied with, "too bad". She then warned me to stay away from her office. Is there any ethics complaint or any kind of action I could take against her?
A lawyer being an idiot!? I can hardly believe it.

Q: Is there any ethics complaint or any kind of action I could take against her?

A: She can say whatever she wants to in her own office (as well as other places) so you have no complaint there. But if she doesn't pay you, then I'd file a complaint with the disciplinary committee of your state bar. Will it work? I have no idea.
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