Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

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I am 1 of 3 blacks working on a construction job site. I deal with a very hostile environment daily. It is commonplace for the whites on the job to reference me and blacks in general as the "N" word and "boy". Comments such as "Y'all need to make up your mind where you want to sit on the bus!!" are normal conversatons I have to endure. They are admittedly proud KKK members and if I speak up I do fear for my own and my family's safety. They are always talking about an impending race war and that white people should rise up. My work duties are very dangerous and require a lot of attention to detai. I have injured myself unnecessarily, due to the enormous amount of stress and pressure I face. What possible actions of recourse do I have?
Being members of a sect does not mean that they have freedom to try to intimidate you. You need to stand up for yourself and make it very clear that this is not acceptable. You also need to talk to your supervisor so the harassment stops immediately. If no improvement, file a formal complaint with your HR department.
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