Random new roomate?!

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I have three roomates and we live in Massachusetts. We went into this living situation as friends on September 1st and now one of the roomates is moving out. She has taken it upon herself to find a roomate on Craigslist to move in with us. My other roomates and I have e-mailed her (we are no longer on speaking terms) and asked her kindly to remove her posting from Craigslist and let us find a roomate as we will be the ones living here. She never responded.

Things ended badly so i'm sure she is not too concerned with the quality of the roomate she chooses to replace her and this concerns me greatly. Is there any legal recourse for this? From what I understand she has not told the roomate of her plans and was just planning to type up a document for the person to sign before they move in, stating they would pay the rent every month until the lease is up. I'm afraid we will get a horrible roomate and I am wondering if there is anything we can do, or if we would have rights to evict a tenant that she found to replace her if we did not approve.

Thank you.
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