Pennsylvania Re-billed for claim that was paid to collections.

Teresa Mancuso

New Member
My husband went to a specialist for an office visit on 7/24/18. His copays is $50. They do not collect this at the visit. We received a bill before we received an EOB. I called the carrier many times to get the EOB, so I could confirm what was owed.The carrier started billing several hundred dollars for the visit. I told them I would not pay without an EOB. They sent the charge to collections. I disputed the amount due and explained what happened. We paid $50. Several weeks later, I finally received the EOB for the 7/24/18 visit confirming the $50 charge. Today we received an invoice for the $50 copay for the 7/24/18 visit. Is this legal? Are they allowed to bill me again as if all the previous activity and payment didn't happen? Thank you for your help.
Is this legal?

Only a court can say what is, or isn't legal.

I suspect the $50 charge you recently received is related to a clerical error, bookkeeping error, or the old "check and dunning letter crossed in the mail" -aka- mailing delay.

Are they allowed to bill me again as if all the previous activity and payment didn't happen?

I doubt the carrier billed you again.

I suggest you contact the carrier and work with them to clear up this little mistake.
I'm not sure I understand your question. You should know your co-pay before ever seeing the doctor, and you need to pay it whether payment is requested at the time of the visit (which is what normally happens) or whether it is billed after the fact. However, you're obviously not obligated to pay twice.

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