Re entry for F1 after retail fraud

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I'm a f1 student .I was charged with retail fraud 3rd on April 2014 in michigan .I did 6 months probation then the case was dismissed this past October . On December 2014 I decided to go home to renew my visa. The interview went good and I got approved . But when I came back the following day to get my passport , the officer ask me if I was ever arrested in the U.S. and I confesed.(I think they did a background check when I left. ) so he denied me the visa. I was very hurt and disappointed .
Now I want to reaply again . I want to know if they ever going to give me a chance to go back and finish my studies ( I'm a junior ) .
I'm a f1 student .I was charged with retail fraud 3rd on April 2014 in michigan .I did 6 months probation then the case was dismissed this past October . On December 2014 I decided to go home to renew my visa. The interview went good and I got approved . But when I came back the following day to get my passport , the officer ask me if I was ever arrested in the U.S. and I confesed.(I think they did a background check when I left. ) so he denied me the visa. I was very hurt and disappointed .
Now I want to reaply again . I want to know if they ever going to give me a chance to go back and finish my studies ( I'm a junior ) .

You can finish your studies right where you are at the moment.
The US authorities can be very unforgiving.
Don't waste your time waiting for a dream to happen, seize the bull by the horns and get busy graduating in your homeland.
There are at least 80 other wonderful countries that you could investigate.
Pick one of those, behave yourself, stop stealing, follow the laws, and you can still get a great education.
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You can talk to an immigration attorney & see what they think. However; as army judge noted, you can certainly continue with your education currently in your homeland.
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