Re-filing for child support in Minnesota

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My ex-husband and I have a 7 year old. When we got divorced, we had it set up at the state minimum for him to pay in child support which is $50. We had it set up so that it would not be directly deducted from his paycheck. He has never paid a dime (it has been over 3 years) but I never asked for any money until this summer. My new husband and I were both deployed and came back and now we are all together as a family. We are paying insurance, school, clothing, toys, etc and we decided in July that it is time for my ex to start helping out in the costs. It is his child too and there is no reason he shouldn't be helping support him financially. We asked for a measly $125 a month. He didn't pay that month or the next and then asked if we could wait until the beginning of the school year. After receiving nothing but excuses, we again brought it up in November. And again in December. He has continued to avoid the conversation at all costs and still has not paid anything to help out. While my husband and I were overseas, my son lived with my sister and her family and I sent money to her and for the first part of the year, I sent him $100 a month to help with our son when he had him (about 1-2 weekends of the month).

Anyway, after all this, I finally have decided that enough is enough. In our divorce decree, I made sure to have everything left open to be able to be brought back to court again. I am wanting to revisit this issue in court and have them handle his child support payments. My question is, do you have any advice on exactly how I go about this? Should I just show up at our county courthouse and ask them the questions or should I go to the county it was originally filed in? Do you know if there are costs involved in this? Any advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I will just go there and see what they have to say about it.
You might wish to start by talking with a lawyer in your county. The initial consultation is often provided at no charge to you.

Otherwise, you can Google your state's child support collection agency. Their website will provide details to assist you.

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