Real Estate Inheritance

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:mad: My question is: There are 11 surviving family members. Before my Mom passed away she stated that the property that we grew up on should be left to my younger brother, as he is physically disabled. I don't know if she actually wrote it up in a will or not, regardless, all the surviving siblings are on notice that my mother's wishes were that he get the property.

At some point, I am told that we were required to sign a document giving my brother legal possession of said property. I do not remember signing any document to this effect. The property is still under my mother's name even though she passed away 11 years ago.

Now my older brother and his sons are trying to get my younger brother to sign over the property to them as they have built a wild game processing facility on the property.

If I did not sign any document giving sole ownership to my brother and the said property is still in my deceased mother's name, does that give me legal claim to part of that property? Can my younger brother sign it over to my nephews and older brother legally?

If I have legal claim to that property, doesn't my younger brother require me to also give up my claim? Side Note: There is a sister who claims that she did not sign any papers giving up her claim also. Does this mean that she would also have give up her rights too?

Can someone respond as soon as possible! Thanks.
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Someone needs to go to the probate court and check to see if there is a file on your mother's estate. If not someone needs to start probate. That is the only way the property can be transferred by deed.

If she did not leave a will her wishes are not binding. However, you can sign over your rights to him if you wish provided you have not already done so.
So my next question is?? If I did not sign over my rights he cannot legally sign the property over to my older brother, right?
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