Real estate property/divorce

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My ex wife and I got a divorce about 2 1/2 yrs ago, we stipulation that
she would pay me twice yearly an equity amt, less than $3500 a yr.
To date she has not pay a thing. She thinks she has until 7/07 to pay me
but I think she has broken the contract when she did not pay me so far.
The reason for 7/06 I gave her that so that in case of any loss of income,
illness she would not have to pay for that time, but the cut off date would
still be 07/07. She tried to refinance without my knowledge or approval
a couple of weeks ago, however it was disapproved without my signature
and their are a couple of judgements on record.
The real estate market boomed right after the divorce. We did not do a
appraisal at the time of divorce. Now, the house is worth $285,000, owe $110,00, she wants it all. Is there such a thing as "unjust enrichment"
based on the fact of the real estate market, she has not paid any payments and I only get $12,000 vs. her $150,000 worth of equity? She also has
not compiled with other issues i the divorce regarding, debt, parenting, child care expense, etc. Do I have anything to go back to court on?
You need to file a motion asking that she be held in contempt of the original judgment in the lawsuit.
So, I should file contempt of court for her not paying on time or because
she try to refinance the loan without my knowledge.

Would I have a chance of recovering more equity based on the real
estate market boom? Her having 2+ years of continued equity growth,
tax write-off. I just want it to be fair, I would offer to buy the house
from her at appraised price, and give her a fair percentage of the equity
in the home.
Changing title

I am getting a divorce, my husband had taken my name off the tiitle of the manufactored home in florida without me knowing. Can he do that, what can I do.
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