real estate

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Hi, can you help me to understand the meaning of the word "deduce" in the following sentence: "The title to the Property shall be properly deduced". I understand it as the title should be checked if it is registered and exists, but I,m not sure.
What is your jurisdiction? It looks like an unusual way of saying that the owner's title shall be sufficiently proven. In deed systems, that means deducing it from the chain of title.
Thank you for the reply, now it is clear for me. I'm just a translator. This is a contract between a purchaser and a seller (in the contract, indicated as "Vendor") about a property to be sold. It should be translated from English into Russian, . In England, before the contract is concluded, the property sold should be checked according to section 110 of the Land Registration Act 1925 - this is what I found about contracts of this kind. As l understand, they want to prove that the owner of the title is the right person to whom the property belongs.
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