Reality show used my image & name without permission

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I was shopping a few months ago and was approached by a young man who asked me a number of questions. I answered a few, so as not to be rude, and continued on my way. Another man approached me and said they had been filming a show for a network, and asked if I would sign a slip giving them permission to use me. I refused. Long story short - they used me on the show anyway. I wrote them a note, and they are offering me $2000 to settle for my initial appearance and to keep me in the episode (in case of rebroadcast; initially I asked them to remove me from it.) Is this a reasonable amount? Should I accept? Should I ask for more, or refuse outright?
katwid said:
I was shopping a few months ago and was approached by a young man who asked me a number of questions. I answered a few, so as not to be rude, and continued on my way. Another man approached me and said they had been filming a show for a network, and asked if I would sign a slip giving them permission to use me. I refused. Long story short - they used me on the show anyway. I wrote them a note, and they are offering me $2000 to settle for my initial appearance and to keep me in the episode (in case of rebroadcast; initially I asked them to remove me from it.) Is this a reasonable amount? Should I accept? Should I ask for more, or refuse outright?
Wow... that's a big mistake. What kind of reality TV show was it?

The amount is really up to you. Remember that if you sue them, there will be legal costs and other transactional costs. If it was a 1 minute clip on a show that wasn't embarassing then you might want to just take your money and move on with your life. I think that's a nice amount of money if it was just a short clip and do note that on the surface they might claim you consented to the taping and use and never requested any amount of money. If it's a nice clip, let us know when it airs again! :D
If the clip was not embarrasing and did not ruin your reputation in any way, I would just take it.
I hope it wasnt one of those shows they ask questions trying to make people look dumb. I would understand why you would be upset. I know history inside and out, but I know if I was walking down some city street and busy thinking about my day and some guy jumped out with a microphone and the three ships that Columbus sailed to America, I may be so startled to get even an easy factoid wrong!
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