Really need HELP FAST

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New Member
My ex has just gotten temporary custody of our daughter who is six years old and has filed for change of custody. He is claiming that my boyfriend has been looking at our daughter in the bathroom and in her bedroom, claiming I am unstable because I am no longer employed, and have moved 10 times since our divorce in 2006. Claims that she has been not properly clothed for school, that I have had continuous stream of men coming in and out of her life, that I have been erratic. He shows that my boyfriend is a convicted felon out on Parole and claims that her behaviour has changed.

I have moved quite a bit some of those moves were because of him and not paying child support. She has always had a decent place to live. I have had 3 boyfriends since our divorce in 2006. She always has what she needs. I am not working but I am looking. My boyfriend never seen her without her close on.

He has always disliked the fact that I left him, to the point of stalking. He nags her to death for information on what I'm doing to the point of bribing her with things she wants. He has made the same allogations through DFAC's with my past two partners and DFAC's has been to my house. This time he is going through the courts.

What should I do?????
Ok so you have moved.
Only three Bf since 2006 did these BF live there or did you or any of them attempt ot form a Father/daughter bond? did your Bf walk into her bedroom or bathroom while she was dressing? Not asking if he saw her naked? Has her behavior grades etc changed? Has school mentioned her dress? Is your Bf a felon?

These are issues you did not address in your post and should so we can give you proper advice or direction
No my boyfriend has not walked in on her dressing. My boyfriend and my daughter get along very well. Until she goes to her dads and comes back. Then she shys away for the first couple of hours. She loves to play with him because he is a playful man. He is a convicted felon but his convictions has been from theft and entering an auto. Nothing to do with any sex defense. Her grades nor her behaviour has changed. About a week ago she started her new school. There is a matter of adjusting that any child would go through. She has expressed likes and dislikes about this school and her prevous school.
He has some valid complaints and some that are maybe not. Why does the BF live in the house and did any of your previous Bf live there? Sex crimes or not I would not want my child living with a felon either and I think if things were reveresed you wouldnt either. You might consider whats more important your child or your BF? I dont know wha tis or is not going on but you seem to be white washing some things and justifying others. How was Dad able to take cusotdy? What grounds? These are the issues you will need to address to change things back
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