really problem - DWAI?

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My state is Newyork (Onandaga county) I was arrested in rear private parking lot DWI (Driving while intoxicated) . My BAC level was 0.1. First time offense.
At that time I have learners permit only (I am the only person opeated car).No acident/no injury/no harm.

Got tickets 2 for DWI.
(1-DWI misdemeanor).
(2-DRV'G w/0.08 of 1% or more ALC MISD)

Got other 3 tickets.
(1-failed to show insurance card
2- no headlights
3- unlicenced operator - permit only ). Court date was 09/07/2007

I went to court (Town court) in my first appearnce with my lawer. MY DWI was reduced to DWAI (trafice infraction - Not a crime) with the following fine.

500 Fine + 80 surcharge - paid
90 days licence suspension
Attended 2 hr victim impact porgram - completed
Alchocol evaluation test - No treatments recommened.

All other tickets got dismissed. I paid all fine and submitted certificates, This week I went and received court certificate with court seal upon my request from court clerk.

It is said that Case disposed on 09/07/2007 with following details.

Disposition - Fine/fee (PLEA by Mail)
Section Disposed -VTL 1192 01 DWAI ALCHOCOL (Reduced from L VTL 1192 03 DWI - 1st offense)
Fine - 500$ S
Surchg - 80$ ( Comment :PLEA by Mail)
All Others -

Disposition - Dismissed (Comment : PLEA by Mail)

** Each of charge was disposed as above indicated.

Now i'm really scarred about my immigration side. i'm really worried about this being on my record. I am not a US citizen and on non-immigranant visa (L1B -individual - valid unitl 2009. (MY Employer will extend after that). I have couple more questions here.

1) Is there any problem to comeback USA again after visiting my country for a vacation? ( Before my visa expires)
2)Is deporataion to be happened because of this immediately?
3)Will INS will be communicated for this case?. And when they will come to know and when they can start action againtst me?
4)Will my details be shared to FBI or maintain only in this court??. So immigartion department will pull my record and send me out from this country?
5)Will my employer get to know about this case since i am on L1Visa.
6)Will it give any problem when I try to extend my VISA ( Will they deny my visa?).
7)Is it a problem to apply GC in future?
8) Is there any problem to comeback USA again after visiting my country for a vacation>

9) In DS156 form (I need to submit when I apply VISA extension) , Can I answer "N" for the following question?

"Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty or other similar legal action? Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance(drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?"

I would most appreciatem, if you help in this.
And I would appreciate it if you would follow the forum rules and post your question ONCE, in the appropriate forum topic. I have already removed several duplicates in forums, like this one, that have nothing to do with the forum topic.

Your duplicate posts are being removed, leaving the one in the Immigration Law forum. Please do not spam the board with multiple posts.
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